These ladies right here (plus quite a few others over the years) are the reason I do what I do! At the age of 16 I was introduced to the Easter Seals Camp at YMCA Camp Oakes and my life has never been the same. This week long sleep-away camp for people with disabilities is what inspired me to become a special education teacher and now special education advocate. It is there that I feel the most love and joy out of any place I’ve ever been, and I have made some lifelong friends. I continue to volunteer 15+ years later (when motherhood permits), and I’m excited to bring my boys along to help once they get old enough! What inspires you in your career?
#eastersealscamp #easterseals #ymca #campoakes #advocate #advocatelikeamother #specialneeds #disability #summercamp #bigbear #iepmeeting #iep #inspire #career #volunteer #giveback #specialneedscamp #sandiego #sandiegospecialeducationadvocates